The Beaujolais-Villages are Beaujolais Supérieures from a selected production area and limited to the following municipalities: Chanes, La Chapelle-de-Guinchay, Leynes, Pruzilly, Romaneche-Thorins, Saint-Amour-Bellevue, Saint-Symphorien-d Ancelles, Saint-Vérand, in the department of Saône-et-Loire, and: Arbuissonnas, Beaujeu, Blacé, Cercié, Charentay, Chénas, Chiroubles, Denicé, Durette, Emeringes, Fleurie, Juliénas, Jullié, Lancié, Lantignié , Montmelas, Odenas, Le Perréon, Quicié, Régnié, Rivolet, Saint-Etienne * des Ouillières, Saint-Etienne-la-Varenne, Saint-Julien, Saint-Lager, Salles, Vaurs, Villié-Morgon, in the Rhône department. Beaujolais-Villages appellation villages can also add their name to that of Beaujolais, which few practice, preferring the name Beaujolais-Villages more commercial.